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Upcoming conference: Koppelting: 12-18 August 2024

Koppelting 2024 is around the corner! Let us discuss the state of the commons and share the latest free/libre developments that power our communities.

Koppelting is an annual grassroots festival about peer production and free/open alternatieves for society. Subjects vary from amature science, journalism and technology to food production, democracy and more. Visitors don't come as consumers of entertainment, but as fellow contirbutors to the event. By adding presentations, workshops and discussions they try to grasp the urgent matters of our times.


Live stream:
Note: When no talk is ongoing, the livestream page will show "The media could not be loaded", just refresh around the time the talk starts (and maybe retry a little later, since we're not always 100% on time).

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What? During a summer week we bring together makers, thinkers and community organisers to exchange ideas and plans.

Why? There are many online platforms on which people can share their knowledge, but there is nothing better and more inspiring than meeting face to face and cooperating on the spot.

Who? When you are working on community projects and work from the bottom up, or are interested in this approach, we think that this unconference will help you find others that are working this way. You can exchange plans and ideas and start new co-operations. And you will have fun hearing and interacting about projects you may never have heard of before.

When? Monday to friday 12-18 august: hackathons, discussions and workshops. Saturday and Sunday, 17 and 18 august: lectures, demonstrations and debate.

Where? Koppelting will be held at De WAR, Heiligenbergerweg 34 in Amersfoort, The Netherlands. We will use open source software on a self hosted server to ensure a smooth experience with no privacy infringement.

How much? For participation a fee is required, using a decide-yourself pricing model. For this online edition our costs are much lower than normal, but any surplus proceeds will be put to good use (e.g. for maintainance and further development of the community tools supporting the Koppelting communmity), so we encourage you to pick a fee that's appropriate for the value that you will receive from attending this conference. See the costs page for details.

How do I join this? Visit the lineup, see what you want to share with the group, find you niche and come tell us what you have to tell! If you want to contribute something to the linup, first sign up as a participant, then you will get an e-mail with a link to add your contribution.

How long? The detailed timetable will be made available shortly before the event, but we expect to work with one-hour slots for each programme entry. For presentations, this could be up to 30 minutes of presentation, 15 minutes for questions and 15 minutes break. If you need more or less time for your contribution, or have other specific ideas, let us know in the notes field of your contribution.

In what language? To allow for an international audience, the website and announcements are in English. The activitities and lectures can be in English or Dutch, depending on the audience and speaker. Casual conversation can be in any language you prefer ;-)

Curious? Come join the chatgroup on Element for questions and discussion. See the contact page for details.

What is next? Koppelting is a yearly event, the next one will be again in the summer of 2025. In addition, every last weekend of January the Meetkoppel event is held, which has a focus on citizen science, sensor networks and technology. The next Meetkoppel will be 25/26 January 2025.


Koppelting is an annual grassroots festival about peer production and free/libre alternatives for society. Sometimes, a special theme is chosen, like for Meetkoppel. Koppelting is always filled with projects, lectures, debates and workshops, and is co-created by the attendees. Anyone can contribute, whether by giving a lecture, a workshop or demonstration, or by simply participating, helping out and engaging in good discussion.


Koppelting is held at De WAR in Amersfoort, the Netherlands, home to the world's first 100% open source fablab and the experimental Cooperative University of Amersfoort.


If you would like to present something, have an idea for a hackaton project, suggest someone else for a presentation, or otherwise want to contribute, we are happy to hear about his. Registration for the festival and submission of presentations can be done on the sign-up page.

You can see the contributions to the programme on the line-up page.

Koppelting is a continuation of the FabFuse unconferences that took place from 2012 to 2015. During these years the scope widened from fablab-oriented topics to grassroots organisation, open knowledge and peer production. For more info on the previous conferences, including extensive video registration of the talks, see the archive page.
